

My only focus in my practice is performing the medical exam for pilots.    

Current Pricing

Please note, due to COVID-19, we can no longer accept checks or cash. Please have a credit card available when you come for your exam.

  • 1st class exams–$200.00
  • 2nd class exams-$200.00
  • 3rd class exams–$190.00
  • EKG——————-$100.00
  • Color vision testing if mandated by the FAA $80

Due to a brand new demand by the FAA imposed on all of us who do these exams as aviation medical examiners it will now be necessary in certain circumstances for us to perform a certain time consuming and expensive test to us who agree to comply with this new requirement the soft ware necessary to do it.  Therefore all applicants need to be aware of the following:

If you have already passed the color vision test for any examiner anywhere and you hold a third class certificate and wish to continue at that level of certification you are “grandfathered in” and do not need to take the new test.  The same is true of all previous 2nd and 1st class applicants who have already passed a previous color vision test.  If you are a new applicant no matter which class certificate you want or if you have only previously held a 3rd class certificate and passed previously administered color vision tests you must now take the new test if you wish to up grade to a 2nd or 1st class certificate.  The test is time consuming on my part and expensive to have acquired the soft ware to administer the test.  There will be an additional $60 charge for any applicant in this category.

The current rate of advancement upward in commercial aviation career wise is as fast as I have ever seen it.  Those flying only for fun, especially if they own their own airplane are witnessing increasing restrictions and cost for flying.  Those who only rent have also noticed the increase in rental fees.  But as is the case here in Seattle where you see help wanted signs everywhere so also the same phenomenon is happening to the FAA.  In addition to the less than desirable location of Oklahoma City, they’re finding it in addition to be difficult to hire employees for the same reason every one else is.  The job of medical certification has as well gotten more complicated because despite common belief otherwise the agency is letting more and more pilots with serious medical conditions to fly.   But their own shortage of help has resulted in them simply dumping more of the certification of complicated medicals on the individual aviation medical examiner.  It now takes us much longer to process the medicals for those on special issuance or caci certification.  Due to that increase in the work on our part most of us have decided to pass that cost of that extra work onto those who have special issuances or caci certification requirements.   Effective immediately there will be an additional $65 charge for anyone needing a special issuance and $25 for a CACI. There is a new problem from the FAA  concerning color vision.  It of course only involves male applicants.  If you have already passed a previous color vision test you are grandfathered in if you are 1st or 2nd class pilot or are a 3rd class pilot and wish to remain so.  All student pilots and all 3rd class pilots wishing to move up to a 1st or 2nd class issuance must now take a time consuming and difficult test for color vision.  As stated above, the charge is $80.

As many of you are aware, I have no intention of ever retiring. I began flying in 1968, own my own hangar and have done over 30,000 medicals since I became an aviation medical examiner in 1985.  More than any other examiner in the entire 7 state pacific northwest mountain region.  I can get almost anyone who needs a medical success in that regard. But I restrict my access to the beginning and end of the month. Schedule just as early as you can.  Please check available dates and times by going to the CALENDAR and doing so.  Anyone available during the days and times  listed will be taken care of.  Face masks are available at the office by those choosing to use them.

Prior to any FAA medical exam you must go to and fill out the FAA application form and obtain a confirmation number.  Print a copy of the application if you can but if you can’t, don’t worry because I can bring it up once I have the confirmation number.  That application is good for 60 days, but not longer and drops out after2 months and you will need to repeat the application were that to happen.  I cannot get you a medical without a confirmation number.  Please do not wait until you arrive at my office to go to the web site and do it. The web site is like every other web site.  Not always easy to work with or available.

Here are maps and directions to my office.

If you would like to e-mail my office for information, I can be reached at . Please do not try to schedule appointments by e-mail, use the calendar for appointments.